Jakarta, Aktual.com – Until now, the government has not issued permits to export extension PT Freeport Indonesia (PT FI) on the grounds PT FI has not met and formally answer the letter filed by the government.

Spokesman PT FI, Riza Pratama confirmed and he justify that until now PT Freeport had not yet received recommendation letter of extension export license.

PT FI has yet to provide answers to the terms proposed by the government because it is still negotiating with the relevant government nominal security deposit charged to PT FI.

“We are still negotiating with the government, we wait for the result,” said Riza to Aktual.com, Friday (29/1).

As is known, the government set two main conditions for PT FI to be met if you still want an extension of the export license granted concentrate.

Requirements to be met by the first PT FI, PT FI will be given additional duties for exports by 5 percent.

Furthermore, the second condition the PT Freeport had to bail the government amounting to USD530 million who want to be used for the stages of construction of the smelter in accordance with those contained in the rules agreed before.

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