Nicole Langmead with her four-year-old daughter Kaya, at their home in Exeter, Devon. Kaya was stuck to a toilet seat in a local MacDonalds after a sick pranksters covered it in glue. 04/01/2015 See SWNS story SWGLUE; A mum has condemned pranksters after her four-year-old girl was SUPERGLUED to a toilet seat in McDonald's. Furious Nicole Langmead, 24, was enjoying a meal at the fast food branch when her four-year-old daughter Kaya used the loo while she waited outside. But several minutes later the youngster emerged from the ground floor cubicle in agony saying she had been stuck on the seat. Nicole found a strong clear adhesive - believed to be superglue - had been smeared over the seat which had ripped some skin off of Kaya's legs. Police are investigating and want to talk to two teenage girls who were came out of the cubicle in Exeter, Devon, just before Kaya went in.

Jakarta, — Jika Anda seseorang yang sangat senang dengan lelucon, berhati-hatilah untuk lelucon Anda. Bisa jadi itu membahayakan orang lain.

Seperti yang terjadi terhadap gadis berusia empat tahun bernama Kaya Langmead. Beberapa hari yang lalu, ia menjadi korban kejahilan dari orang yang tak bertanggung jawab.

Bahaya Jahil 2

Kejadian bermula saat Kaya bersama ibunya Nicole makan siang di restoran cepat saji McDonald di Exeter High Street, di Devon, Inggris. Seperti dilansir dari laman, ibu dari gadis berusia empat tahun ini panik saat melihat anaknya menangis karena kesakitan.

“Putri saya saat itu pergi ke toilet di cepat saji, lalu ia keluar menangis menghampiri saya dalam keadaan kulit bagian paha belakang robek akibat menempel dengan kursi toilet tersebut,” jelas Nicole.

Permasalahan tersebut akhirnya dilaporkan kepada pihak yang berwajib. Dari situ polisi mengatakan bahwa, mereka telah menemukan lem power glue yang ditemukan di sekitar toilet. Bahkan sebelumnya salah satu staf dari Mcdonald telah memperingati dua bocah tersebut.

This is the McDonalds in Exeter, Devon, where four-year-old Kaya was stuck to a toilet seat after a sick pranksters covered it in glue. 04/01/2015  See SWNS story SWGLUE; A mum has condemned pranksters after her four-year-old girl was SUPERGLUED to a toilet seat in McDonald's. Furious Nicole Langmead, 24, was enjoying a meal at the fast food branch when her four-year-old daughter Kaya used the loo while she waited outside. But several minutes later the youngster emerged from the ground floor cubicle in agony saying she had been stuck on the seat. Nicole found a strong clear adhesive - believed to be superglue - had been smeared over the seat which had ripped some skin off of Kaya's legs. Police are investigating and want to talk to two teenage girls who were came out of the cubicle in Exeter, Devon, just before Kaya went in.

Dari cerita serta CCTV restoran tersebut, polisi akhirnya mendapati bahwa pelaku merupakan dua orang gadis yang berusia sekitar 16-18 tahun. Ciri lainnya yakni, salah satu memiliki rambut pirang panjang, dan satunya berambut cokelat sebahu.

Kesal dengan kejadian tersebut, Nicole menuliskan perasaan kecewanya melalui akun Facebook miliknya. Ia menulis,”Untuk dua gadis pirang muda yang berpikir bahwa menaruh lem super pada dudukan toilet itu sesuatu yang lucu! Saya hanya ingin kalian tahu, bahwa kini saya harus menghibur putri saya yang kondisinya cukup parah akibat lelucon yang kalian buat pada toilet tersebut’ tulis Langmead dengan nada kesal.

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