Jakarta, Aktual.com – People’s Consultative Assembly (MPR) Speaker Zulkifli Hasan stressed that the idea gave birth to the state policy to shift the system of government from presidential to parliamentary nothing to relating. Because the state policy remains a major foothold, so not to disrupt the system of government in Indonesia today.

“Do not be afraid to shift become parliamentarians. The President will remain directly elected by the people, not directly responsible to the Assembly as the past,” he said in a discussion entitled ‘A Roadmap for State Policy for Indonesia Future’ held PHTN-HAN in Jakarta, Friday (4/3).

Delivered, this time the idea of ​​the state policy discussion ripenedn and formulated by experts in order not to limit the movement of the President and not disturb other state institutions. MPR is also conducting public hearings of various parties.

Hopefully, the inputs of each element of this society will be netted so well that the more mature the idea. Later, after the concept has matured formulated, MPR will return again to the public whether it is appropriate or not the State Policy.

“We’ll ask again later, like it or not people, if the people wants, that it’s okay,” said Zulkifli.

Chairman of the National Mandate Party (PAN) was added, if the idea of ​​the public approved of the State Policy and agreed in parliament, it will apply to the MPR coming period because the process is lengthy.

“So it was not for the Assembly today. It’s all for the Interest of long-term, for the foreseeable future,” he said.

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