Jakarta, Aktual.com – Vice Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), Basaria Panjaitan confirmed Capture Operation Hand (OTT) against one of the Regional Representative Council (DPRD) members Kebumen, Central Java.

According to him, the current team of the Task Force was to develop towards the parties involved in the operation.

“Yes (OTT DPRD Members Kebumen), but is still developing,” said Basaria when confirmed on Saturday (15/10).

According to information, the KPK task force team secured two people in operation which took place in Kebumen, Central Java.

They are one of the initials SW Kebumen DPRD Members and civil servants in the Department of Tourism and Culture of the Government Kebumen in initials SH.

However, when confirmed about the initials, Basaria ask for patience waiting for further information. “Be patience yes,” closed Basaria.(Musdi Anto)

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Editor: Andy Abdul Hamid