Ketua Umum Partai Golkar Setya Novanto (Setnov) saat berdiskusi dengan redaksi Radar Banten di Serang, Banten, Minggu (26/6/2016). Safari ramadan di Banten kali ini Setnov mengunjungi redaksi Radar Banten, sentral kuliner di Islamic Center Kota Serang dan peringatan Nuzulul Quran DPD Partai Golkar Banten yang memberikan santunan kepada 228 anak yatim serta 3 anak pengahfal Al Quran. Dalam sambutannya, Setnov berpesan kepada anak-anak yatim yang diberikan santunan kelak bisa menjadi pemimpin baik di legislatif ditingkat daerah maupun nasional. AKTUAL/WARNOTO

Jakarta, – Members of Parliament from the Golkar Party Faction, Adies Kadir urged the House of Representatives (DPR) RI restore the reputation of the former chairman of the legislature Setya Novanto.

It is said by Adies after the lawsuit granting of the Golkar party chairman Novanto by the Constitutional Court (MK) related to the recording of the conversation that makes Setya Novanto stand trial in the Court of Honor Council (MKD).

“MKD issued a decision based on the report, the decision may be revisited if there was a report to MKD of parties harmed by the release of the decision of the Constitutional Court,” said Adies in Jakarta, Thursday (8/9).

That commission III member confirms granting the lawsuit shown that blamed on Setya Novanto is not true. Therefore, the reputation of chairman of the Golkar Party faction in that Parliament should be restored.

The problem, his reputation tarnished because institutions Parliament via the MKD fittings council held hearing cases recorded conversation ‘papa minta saham’.

“Therefore, Parliament can get the reputation back SN as chairman of DPR. His resignation as a result of other parties report to MKD, which made him depressed, so decided to resign, “said the deputy secretary general of Golkar Party.


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Editor: Arbie Marwan