Ketua Umum DPP PPP Romahurmuziy saat akan melantik jajaran Kepengurusan DPP PPP periode periode 2016-2021 di Jakarta, Jumat (20/5/2016). Dalam acara yang juga memperingati 18 Tahun Reformasi dan 108 Tahun Kebangkitan Nasional tersebut hadir Ketua Umum DPP PDI Perjuangan Megawati Soekarnoputri dan Ketua Umum DPP PAN Zulkifli Hasan.

Jakarta, – United Development Party (PPP) is sure that nominated candidate in Jakarta election will win the elections. Although the party leader Muhammad Romahurmuziy only has 10 seats in the City Council of DKI Jakarta.

“In the elections simultaneously in 2017 targets to win five provinces, namely Jakarta 10 seats, Banten 7 seats, followed by Aceh 6 chairs, and Bangka Belitung 6 seats, the last Gorontalo four seats,” said Chairman of DPP PPP of Regeneration and Membership Organization (OKK) Qoyun Abdul Jabar Qoyum in a press conference at Dormitory Haji Pondok Gede, East Jakarta, Sunday (5/6).

PPP is currently preparing candidates considered to solve the problems in the capital.

“Especially for the city elections, the PPP was prepared leaders able to solve problems that Jakarta,” he said.

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