Jakarta, Aktual.com – Chairman of Commission II of the House of Representatives has Rambe Kamarulzaman said DPR received draft of revision of Law No. 8 of 2015, and then will be read in DPR’s plenary session on Opening Session IV Period 2015-2016.
“This time had been sign “Surpres” (President’s Letter about revision of Election Law), Later At the Opening Session period Date 6 April 2016 Plenary Meeting was read,” said Rambe, Thursday (31/3).
This time draft of revision Already in leaders’s DPR and mechanism of Surpres will read first in DPR plenary session.
According to him, will be assigned Into Subscription Commission then each faction make list of problems inventory.
“After that The Government Asked explanation about draft then entry DIM (discussion),” he said.
In draft from the Government, requirements of candidate individuals and political parties are not changed. However, the discussion with the parliament just looks view of factions regarding these requirements.
“(requirements of independent candidate) Not being aggravated. That’s discussion from the House later will look the objections,” said Rambe.
In that draft According Rambe also arranged regarding sanctions for parties that not carry the Candidate. Also confirmed draft that the political parties who are entitled to file a candidate Is the election that have a decree from the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights.
“Then regarding The Candidate requirements may be advanced (if ever engaged law case) Not to be parole but pure freedom,” he explained.
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