Jakarta, Aktual.com – Leader of Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Saut Situmorang criticize statement of Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama or Ahok, who called the results of the investigation of the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK)
about the purchase of land Sumber Waras hospital is stale.

Saut confirms that there is no saying stale for BPK’s audit. Moreover, the audit just is submitted by the BPK to KPK at the end of December 2015.

“there are not stale cases yet all years, “he said, when asked about argued through electronic messages, Friday (5/2).

The case of land purchase of Sumber Waras Hospital is indeed being investigated by BPK. Investigation of the case was due to KPK suspect a potential financial loss of the state.

Saut also ensure that the leadership of KPK continue to monitor the handling of cases allegedly involving the number one people in Jakarta.

“I will ask who handle the cases and how the progress,” Saut said.

As Known, Ahok was reluctant to comment on audit results regarding purchase of land located on the road Kyai Tapa, West Jakarta.

He actually said the audit is stale. “That’s stale,” retorted Ahok, in the Corruption Court in Jakarta, Thursday (4/2).

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