Jakarta, Aktual.com – The government’s plan through the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) and the Director General of Electricity to give some authority to manage electricity to the private sector and through the establishment of a special business entity that handles electricity was strongly opposed by the United Workers of PT PLN (Persero).

Chairman of Workers Union (SP) PT PLN Centre, Deden Adhityadharma revealed, although the discourse is expressed by the Minister of Energi and Mineral Resources, Sudirman Said plan related to the establishment of a special agency to deal with electricity is to strengthen the electricity in the area, but it is clearly seen that in essence the plan was to accommodate the interests of the few.

“PLN for them only serve as a place to extract the maximum profit at the expense of the public interest,” said Deden while doing press conference at the Central Office of PLN, South Jakarta, Thursday (11/2).

Deden said the government plan wants to break the management of electricity in six provinces of Maluku, North Maluku, NTB, NTT, Papua and West Papua is an attempt PLN weakening and privatization of electricity.

“The impact of state-owned electricity company, PLN weakened in this case, the company will be broken down not reach the district again, these areas will be submitted to the interests of a handful of people through privatization,” he said.

Of course this step, according Deden an effort to run the interests of a few persons in the electricity sector that does suitable with the constitutional of mandate.

“because of that, we try reject weakening PLN by the Minister and his staff, rejected submission of the electricity sector which are branches of business that are important for the country as mandated by Act 1945 section 33 subsection 2 of the branches of business which is important for the State to be managed not by parties other than the State, “he explained.

Deden asserted, if within 2 weeks of demands cancellation of the planned Sudirman Said and his staff at the Energy and Mineral Resources are not respected, the Workers Union national PT PLN will conduct a nationwide strike.

“We Unions PT PLN from Sabang to Merauke will do the delivery in public opinion and the national strike,” he said.

As known, some time ago the Ministry of Energy through the Director General of Electricity discourse will form a special agency that would replace task of PLN.

The special agency will have the task of providing electricity from the generation, transmission and distribution. While PLN will only be Servis Company who only focus on managing transmission and distribution.

Steps of General Director of Electricity to provide electricity to private management authority is can be seen before from the embodiment of 35,000 M program which is more than 80 percent of the plants in the development program is intended and built by the private sector (IPP), approximately 31,000 MW.

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