Jakarta, Aktual.com – President Joko Widodo reiterated the government’s stance related tax amnesty formulated in the Draft Bill Tax Amnesty is now being debated in Parliament.

“I said that the government’s position related to tax amnesty is very clear that the government wants to ‘tax amnesty’ real beneficial to the national interest, the interests of our people especially in terms of state revenue,” said President Joko Widodo when leading privates meeting with the topic of “tax amnesty” in Presidential office in Jakarta, Monday (25/4).

He added that the government respect the ongoing legislative process considering draft bill on the Tax Amnesty which is currently being discussed in Parliament.

The second thing is that the president also wants to expand the “tax based” Indonesia so that the future Indonesia will have more data to taxpayers in the country.

“With a ‘tax amnesty’ is actually what we want is the repatriation of capital from the outside to the inside, there is a ‘capital inflow, there is the money flowing in,” he said.

The former Governor of DKI expects no cash flow back into the country could then be used to drive the national economy.

The purpose of government in implementing the “tax amnesty” itself previously confirmed by the Ministry of Finance which is for repatriation or withdraw funds Indonesian citizens who are outside the country.

In addition to increasing the national growth and increase the national tax base, ie the assets submitted in the application for remission of tax can be used for taxation will come.

The next thing which is that the “tax amnesty” aims to increase tax revenues.

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