Jakarta, Aktual.com – Prof Jimly Asshiddiqie said innovation is the answer to overcome the difficulties of the Indonesian to promote economic and social welfare, so he proposed the need for the National Movement for Innovation.

“We must create a national movement of innovation, I hope the president should pay attention to the innovations produced mainly by universities,” adding after the Senate Meeting Anniversary 53 IPB, in Dramaga Campus, Bogor, West Java, on Wednesday (5/10).

He assumed, IPB can be a role model to other universities move to produce more innovations.

According to him, IPB became the pride of the nation, not only managed to rank in the top 100 best universities in the world, also resulted in many achievements, especially in terms of innovation, commercialization of patents and intellectual property rights.

“The important thing is innovation, IPB once prominent in most patent and IPR certificates biggest start of 2012. There are no universities were more than IPB in registering intellectual property rights, patent commercialization IPB is also the largest,” he said.

He said the performance was achieved IPB is a capital that should be captured by the government as the potential to move kesulitas Indonesia.

“The national campaign innovation has become imperative, in order to create a democratic space and freedom during reform after reform exploited better,” he said.

During this time, he continued, the freedom of the reform have not exploited well, evidence of potential conflict in the country is getting bigger, and potential gaps, injustice higher.

He pointed out that the distance between the highest and lowest income more visible, which is reflected in the index ginie ratio.

“Why did it happen, because most of the freedom enjoyed by the elite. The higher the degree of sratifikasi people economically, he more and more benefit from freedom, “said Chairman of the Honorary Board of Election (DKPP) is.

According to him, freedom for reform is not utilized properly. Abused by elite naturally occurring, not street legal, social justice fines are not running, reflected in public policy and action.

“This situation will inevitably result kesejanjangan both in politics and economics,” he said.

Therefore, Jimly encourage IPB should be an inspiration for Indonesia to take advantage of democratic freedom well by encouraging innovation, for creativity to be utilized.

“Relevant Ministries like Ministry of Research and Technology and creative industries can coordinate national movement of this innovation so that this issue was brought into a new theme in the future government,” he said.

As a first step, further Jimly, there needs to be a summit like a ‘summit’ of the national movement of innovation. And the movement could be initiated by IPB.

Jimly talked a speech on the Senate Open Session of the 53rd Anniversary of IPB with the title “Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia 1945 ‘ The Constitution of Liberty’ Constitutional Exemption for Creativity and Innovation for the Advancement of the nation.”



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