Jakarta, Aktual.com – Oceanographic experts from the Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB), Alan Koropitan Ph.D said Jakarta Bay reclamation impact can not only be seen from one or two islands.
“If we see only per island where the impact will not be visible,” he said last weekend.
He explained, the Jakarta Bay reclamation project 17 artificial islands is a form of conversion of a landscape. Therefore, how to assess the impact of nature should be seen as a whole. Namely by looking at the direct impact of the presence of 17 artificial islands.
“So it must assess the overall region, not just one island,” added Alan who claimed to have examined the Bay of Jakarta from 2003 to 2015.
Recall the overall impact of 17 artificial islands, Alan reminded the government to not only be based on the environmental impact assessment (Amdal) of the island per island.
But also should consider the Strategic Environmental Assessment (KLHS) in first. “KLHS is must be there first. After KLHS says feasible for this 17 islands, then go to Amdal per island,” he said.
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