Jakarta, Aktual.com – Special Detachment 88 arrested two suspected terrorists in Malang, East Java, on Tuesday (1/3). They arrested allegedly had a meeting in Batu, Malang, East Java with one of the perpetrators of the Thamrin.

“They are gathering in Batu, Malang. They already know (plan bomb of Thamrin) about a month before incident of bomb in Thamrin,” said Head of Public Relations Inspector General of Police Anton Charliyan at Police Headquarters, Jakarta, Wednesday (2/3).

During the meeting, also attended by several of the five suspected terrorists were arrested in Malang in February 2016. However, Anton was reluctant to mention the names of suspected terrorists.

“(In the meeting in Batu), discussed their plans will do action in supermarket, foreigners and target attack to the police.”

On Tuesday (1/3), two suspected terrorists were arrested in Malang, East Java by Detachment 88 Anti-Terror Police Headquarters. Both terrorist suspects it is a 25-year S aka DA, residents Batua Raya, Palopo Village, Makassar and KW 43 years old, resident of Manisrejo Village, District Taman, Madiun.

They were arrested in the area of ​​the tomb of Setuhu grandparents in Keramat Village, Patokpicis Village, Wajak subdistrict, Malang.

While on Saturday (20/2) arrested five suspected terrorists in Malang. They are Ridho Achmad Wijaya, Rudi Hadianto, Badrodin, Romli and Handoko. The seven were allegedly directly linked to the bomb in Thamrin.

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