Presiden RI ke-3 yang juga alumni UI BJ Habibie menceritakan pengalamannya saat menjadi pembicara dalam Halal Bihalal Ikatan Alumni Universitas Indonesia (Iluni UI) bertema "Dengan Semangat Idul Fitri Kita Tingkatkan Silaturahmi dan Persaudaraan dalam Ikatan Alumni UI yang Harmoni dan Sinergi" di Depok, Jawa Barat, Sabtu (23/7). Halal Bihalal yang menghadirkan sejumlah tokoh nasional alumni UI itu sekaligus diisi dengan diskusi dan bedah calon Ketua Umum Iluni UI periode selanjutnya. ANTARA FOTO/Indrianto Eko Suwarso/ama/16

Solo, – Third President Indonesia BJ Habibie crowned as the national innovation leaders in the peak of National Technology Awakening Day (Hakteknas) All 21 in Solo, Wednesday (10/8).

Minister of Research Technology and Higher Education (Menristekdikti) M Nasir at the peak of Hakteknas-21 says that the award is in recognition of the roles Habibie in advancing studies of technology and innovation in the country.

Minister of Research and Technology in the era of President Soeharto, according to him, has always been inspiring and motivating the nation to continue to develop science and technology (science) in the country.

Meanwhile, Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (Coordinating PMK) Puan Maharani on the same occasion said that the National Technology Awakening could not be separated from the role of Third President of the Republic of Indonesia, BJ Habibie.

“His spirit with innovations in the field of aeronautics,” he said.

On behalf of the Family of Bung Karno, Puan also had a chance to thank Habibie because he has followed the direction of President Sukarno school to Germany.

Previously, the Eijkman Institute for Molecular Biology at the plenary session of the National Research Council (DRN) held annually in Solo, on Tuesday (9/8), gave the award to BJ Habibie who has been fighting for the establishment of the Institute Eijkmam back.

Eijkman Institute abandoned its founder returned to the Netherlands because of illness developed into a center for research and treatment of tropical diseases before it finally closed in 1965. In 1992, the Eijkman Institute operates at the initiative back BJ Habibie, who was Minister of State for Research and Technology.

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