Jakarta, Aktual.com – Indonesian Forum for Budget Transparency (FITRA) revealed the existence of Deviations realization of business travel budgets Rp 99,64 billion in 28 ministries and agencies for the fiscal year 2015.

The top five rankings are problematic on the first official trips Ministry of Communications and information Rp 86.51 billion, the Ministry of the Interior Rp 4.2 billion, followed by the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Rp 1.4 billion.

Furthermore, the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education Rp 1.3 billion, and that is the fifth was the Ministry of Environment and Forests 1:01 billion USD.

FITRA Advocacy Manager, Apung Widadi ask law enforcement to investigate the fund, other than that he also asked tightened official travel expenditure budget in APBN-P 2016.

“There is waste and diversion of funds business trips reach USD 99.64 billion by the ministries and institutions, it is the largest in the Ministry of Communications and Information Rp86.51 billion,” said Apung to Aktual.com, Sunday (12/6).

More Apung describes the general issues raised by the Ministry and the Institute due to there is no evidence of accountability Rp80.43 billion.

Then due and number of ticket name does not match the manifest Rp 2.66 billion, ticket prices do not correspond to the actual Rp 2.90 billion, official travel duplicate USD 202.7 million, a fictitious business trips Rp 3.7 billion and overpayment of Rp9.67 billion.

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