Dua pejalan kaki melintasi papan sosialisasi pembayaran pajak secara online di Jakarta, Selasa (1/3). Direktorat Jenderal Pajak membuat peta zona potensial pajak untuk mencapai target penerimaan pajak sebesar Rp1.360,1 triliun pada 2016. ANTARA FOTO/Wahyu Putro A/ama/16

Jakarta, Aktual.com – Executive Director of the Energy Watch Indonesia (EWI), Ferdinand Hutahaean called on the public to take the fight by way of boycotting pay taxes for a year if the Bill (the Bill) Tax Amnesty (remission of taxes) escaped from the House proceedings.

According to him, Tax Amnesty is a form of government policy mistake that legalized criminals and ignoring justice for taxpayers who have been paying taxes even with a forced way.

“Parliament should reject the Tax Amnesty Bill, since the point is to legalize a crime. If Tax Amnesty Bill is passed, it should be all the Indonesian people to fight by refusing to pay taxes for 1 year. It’s for the public sense of justice is not a form of rebellion to the government,” he said, Monday (6/6)

Furthermore, raise the idea of ​​tax amnesty as a sign of frustration of the government which is incompetent to solve the problems of the national economy. Increasingly depressed economic conditions, while the policy package has not been effective, as a result of government experience panic to act recklessly.

“Instead solve problem, the government is actually producing the problem,” said Ferdinand.

While on the other hand, he continued, the people who do not want pay the taxes during this hide their money abroad will feel win as heroes and may even be awarded a star of great son by the president due to the influx of illicit money was considered to save this government from bankruptcy.

“But really the tax criminals would be happy over the suffering of who will be paying this bad policy impact. Criminals greeted as a hero, while the taxpayers in this republic that for many years faithfully pay taxes even with the threat of terror and forced the agency of the government does not get anything,” he concluded.

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