Jakarta, Aktual.com – Indonesia is not only a representation of political interests represented by the existence of factions in the Parliament. Indonesia is even more deeply rooted is the representation of a territory that is administrative divided into 34 Provinces and is now reflected in the presence of Regional Representative Counsil (DPD-RI).

Briefly speaking, if a political party is a representation of the ideological and political interests of citizens. Then DPD-RI should be a representation of form the national identity Indonesia.

Said the Chairman of the Executive Board of the Solidarity Party of Indonesia, Natalie Grace, in his press conference on Monday (5/9).

He states the existence of the DPD institution is the main foundation that reflected the spirit of Sumpah Pemuda October 28th, 1928. Although the process of the formation of the nation-state had begun much earlier, but the statement of national unity and national identity first act occurred in 28 of October.

At that time the oath is representative of Jong Java, Sumatra Jong, Jong Celebes and others. Despite their different ideological background, but had the same dream of a new nation called Indonesia.

“So if you talk about strengthening the Regional Representative Council, then the most important is the role in maintaining unity and national identity,” said Grace.

In this case, an important role DPD position uncontested. how it does not cease to be merely slogan. He noted there are at least four fundamental changes that must be made to support the role and function of DPD to be able to perform its role.

First, gives the authority to be a strategic partner of the President in preparing the Draft Budget. Actually, active role in Musrembang from the village level to be RAPJM and RAPJP. This is to ensure that the national budget is already a representation of all groups and territories in Indonesia. Not only become represents political interests.

“Second, gives authority to control and intervene in the regulation and Regional Policy are not in accordance with the identity and national values of Indonesia,” he explained.

Third, every year publishes a report document Nationality Indonesia as the reference of all government and nongovernment agencies.

This document shall include quantitative data on key indicators national development, achievement of national interests, national threat and the formulation of a national strategy.

This report will be an important reference for President and the Parliament and even entrepreneur to draw up an annual work program. Haruis related documents published every [akhirtahun.

Fourth, the membership of the Regional Representative Council should also think about the representation of vulnerable groups that would not be possible through the electoral process. As indigenous representatives, representatives of faiths, representatives of disabled people and representatives of retired civil / military / police.

“With the four steps, the Indonesian parliament will be present not only as a tailor, but became the main thread Indonesian. Without it, the motion path of the Indonesian nation will be left far behind by economic indicators and other social , “said Grace.

The main risk faced is national disintegration in political and economic battle.

PSI will be the first political party that will propose and oversee council strength, for the sake of pharmaceutics Indonesia’s national life in the context of national unity in the future.

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Editor: Andy Abdul Hamid