Jakarta, Aktual.com – involvement of hundreds of troops in the eviction process will be done localization Kalijodo Jakarta provincial government has drawn criticism from parliament.

Vice Chairman of the House of Representatives, Fadli Zon said that policing is the responsibility of the city government with the involvement of elements of the PP municipal police and the police.

“I think this should be the responsibility of the city government, the police and civil service. TNI was supposed to be the last resource, if you are not able to engage new military,” said Fadli, at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Friday (26/2).

  • He also reminded, both police and military personnel already have responsibitity, especially regarding matters of eviction against civilians.

“We already have the reform era. Policing matters, the existing eviction and the job of TNI dont displacing affairs. If no one can help eradicate terrorism but if requested the help of the national police,” said the politician Gerindra.

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Reporter: Novrizal Sikumbang