Jakarta, Aktual.com – Vice Chairman of the House of Representatives, Taufik Kurniawan reminded that the results of the implementation of the Summit Organisasi Cooperate Muslim (KTT OKI) -5, not only the rhetoric of the leadership of the country in support of Palestinian independence.

“We want the support given in real terms, not just discourse and rhetoric,” said Taufik, in the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Monday (7/3).

Therefore, the Parliament is ready to fully support government that would like to fight for the independence of Palestine.

However, he reminded that in the struggle the government should also continue promoting the principle of free and active enshrined in the state constitution.

“It becomes a commitment in our Constitution as well, that freedom is the right of all nations,”

“Since yesterday was held, there is no country in attendance expressed disagreement nor hesitation in supporting the liberation of Palestine,” he said.

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Reporter: Novrizal Sikumbang