Jakarta, Aktual.com – The government’s move to import three million tonnes of maize, considered as a form of broken promises to the people. For the import of corn, it is same the government does not realize self-sufficiency to achieve cheap cost of food.

“He said that would achieve self-sufficiency of food, so food can be cheap. But why even fetched to import corn. It is means the government of broken promises, “said Member of the House of Representatives Commission VI, Bambang Haryo, in Surabaya, (11/2).

The Gerindra politician said corn needs in the year to reach 21.4 million tons. While in 2015, production of corn could reach 21.9 million tonnes. This means that there is a surplus of 500 thousand tons.

With import the corn, he added,it is evidence of the Ministry of Agriculture failed to encourage farmers to make food production. Plus the decision was taken by the government without the consent of Representatives Commission VI.

Bambang admitted worried the move was prone to fraud and manipulation of data for the benefit of a group importing that could threaten the farmers.

“If the farmers fail to get maximum harvest, should be blamed of this case are ministers. It should be a red note. I will propose the establishment of the Committee of Corn. I also could worried trigger more food imports without thinking of the interests of farmers, “said Bambang

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Reporter: Ahmad H. Budiawan