Terlihat sejumlah kendaraan kejebak banjir yang menggenangi seputaran kawasan Bunderan HI di Jalan. Jenderal Sudirman, Jakarta, Selasa (30/8/2016). Sebagian wilayah DKI Jakarta siang ini diguyur hujan lebat yang disertai badai. Akibatnya, sejumlah ruas jalan padat dan terjadi antrean kendaraan. Namun sekitar pukul 13.00 WIB, hujan di sebagian wilayah Ibu Kota mulai mereda.

Jakarta, Aktual.com – Heavy rain which flushed almost all areas in Jakarta, Tuesday (30/8) caused flooding in several points. One of them is Indonesia Hotel (HI) traffic circle in Central Jakarta. Regions which entered the circular area of the flood until the adult knee.

Vice Chairman of the Parliament of Jakarta M Taufik assess flooding in HI is evidence of the failure of performance of Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama or Ahok.

“Ahok will not blame anyone else? Flood in HI is perfect proof if Ahok failed to reduce flooding. HI roundabout the first ring, why do not fix. What about other areas in the outposts Jakarta,” Taufik said when met at the Region Council DKI, Jakarta, Tuesday (30/8).

According Gerindra politician, Ahok’s promise to overcome floods in Jakarta are often delivered Ahok that just imaging alone.

“How would overcome flood ?, every day works just talk much. If Ahok really work for the interests of the people, it should be a good absorption of the Capital Budget. Not a always hat trick WDP (a qualified) with Audit Financial Board . So, starting tomorrow, work, work, work,” he said.

In addition to flooding in HI roundabout, last week’s flooding also occurred in Kemang, South Jakarta. About flooding in Kemang Ahok accused of an error in the construction of shopping complex adjacent to the river around Kemang.

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