Ratusan masyarakat Jakarta Utara dari berbagai wilayah yang tergabung dalam Gerakan Tangkap Ahok (GTA ) melakukan aksi long march di gedung KPK, Jakarta, Selasa (3/5/2016). Dalam aksi long marchnya Gerakan Tangkap Ahok (GTA) mendesak kepada Pimpinan KPK untuk segera menangkap Gubenur DKI Jakarta Basuki Tjahja Purnama (Ahok) karena diduga terlibat kasus skandal korupsi pembelian Rumah Sakit Sumber Waras yang merugikan uang negara sebesaar 191 miliar rupiah.

Jakarta, Aktual.com – Members of City Council Sharif questioned the reason of Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) were impressed set of problems related with Muslims in Jakarta.

Where Sharif assess Ahok often issue a statement that “Muslim disturb muslim do their religion, among others, about the imposition of the veil.

Where Ahok last weekend asking schools do not do forced female Muslim students to wear the veil in school.

“This is what’s wrong, why he (Ahok) sets to Muslims?” Gerindra politician said on Monday (6/6).

Telling Ahok that assume coercion in the imposition of headscarves in schools. make Sharif upset.” I protested to Ahok’s statement,” he said.

According to him, entered the month of Ramadan, Ahok should maintain the tranquility of Muslims and not only made the controversial statement.

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