Sebuah pengumuman larangan bermain "Pokemon Go" terpampang di salah satu sudut di Istana Negara, Jakarta, Rabu (20/7). Pihak istana melarang semua pihak bermain "Pokemon Go" di lingkungan istana, karena merupakan tempat kerja Presiden, alasan keamanan serta menurunnya produktivitas saat bekerja. ANTARA FOTO/Yudhi Mahatma/ama/16

Kuta, – The government continues to be aware of the game Pokemon Go potentially be a threat to state secrets. Not wanting to be missed, along with the government yesterday BIN, BAIS and Google held a meeting.

The goal is to ask whether the game is being loved public that can steal files or state secrets. Unfortunately, Google claimed do no related in this regard. Google only provides a mere Google Map application. The rest fall under the authority of Nintendo.

On that occasion, the government asked Google to remove the folder Pokemon Go hunting in the vital state. “We ask that Pokemon Go inaccessible in places vital objects. They (Google) agreed and asked for information everywhere are said to be vital,” said Advisor to the Minister of Communication and Media Ministry of Communication and Information, Prof. Hendro Sudianto in Kuta, Bali, Wednesday, July 27, 2016.

Hendro admitted coordinating with the Geospatial Information Agency that takes care of the vital points of the country. “It will be given by the Geospatial Information Agency. We will coordinate with the Geospatial Information Agency. Any object that vital. Military installations, for example. But not only that, also the state of electrical installations. Then the government offices, the president’s office, ministries,” said Hendro.

So far, Hendro continue, there are no reports that government’s confidential data stolen thanks to the game Pokemon Go. “So far there is no data is stolen, because people are not allowed in vital objects. No need to play Pokemon entered vital objects should not be. But in the future, in the vital game Pokemon Go will blur. Pikachu is not going there, no” said Hendro.

So far, Hendro admitted that the government can not reprimand a leading provider of game Pokemon Go because it is not yet officially launched in Indonesia. “We can not reprove, because Pokemon Go officially did not exist in Indonesia. So, we can not call in question (Nintendo),” said Hendro.

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