Jakarta, Aktual.com – ISC Vice President of Pertamina, Daniel Purba take reticence and not willing to give information to Aktual.com confirmed the truth of the existence of a combined practice in the purchase of oil.

Based on the information obtained Aktual.com, there has been scandals Pertamina tender held in July 2016, to decide to buy a combined crude like Zatapi case. Purchases bought two cargo to Glencore, all of them will come in september, with details on September 13-14 in Balik Papan with the vessel MT Tataki, on September 16 to 17 ships reportedly will come with the intention of using the MT Stavenger Dumai Blossom.

The contents of the two vessels are adulterated oil consisting of oil Sarir and Mesla oil in the ratio 70% 30% Sarir and Mesla. Being a special attention, procurement spot this September all won by Glencore. In September, Glencore Spot supply: Sarir / Mesla 2x600MB to Balikpapan and Dumai, Aseng 600MB to Balongan, Bonny Light 950MB and 600MB Balikpapan to Nile Blend to Balongan.

Selection of this crude will be purchased jointly by the ISC and Processing Directorate who run refineries owned by Pertamina. The selection is done with the help of software GRTMPS, which is an optimization software that uses a mathematical approach to the use of assumptions that are entered by the operator software which is actually an employee of Pertamina Processing directorate.

In accordance with the characteristics of software optimization, the results are not the exact outcome but constitutes an approach whose results is determined by the software provider, such as the starting point of the optimization calculations. Different starting point calculations, the optimization results obtained may also vary.

The result of the calculation is not an absolute optimum result, but a relative optimum. Here lies the weakness of the system of procurement of crude oil Pertamina, is highly dependent on the operator software and command of the operator boss is the Director of Processing and Managing Director. If the operator can not meet demand boss, then he could be moved to a remote place such as in Papua.

In connection with the Sarir / Mesla cargo agreed to be bought by Pertamina Spot in September, it has been agreed with a ratio 70% 30% Sarir and Mesla. But in fact, according to sources obtained, Glencore mixing 30% 70% Sarir and Mesla, the opposite of what has been agreed upon by Pertamina.

Of course, the oil mixture will be more “light”, while Pertamina requires heavy oil to produce a greater profit margin for Pertamina refinery. When the mixture is light crude oil is still processed by Pertamina, then it will get losses of more than USD10 per barrel.

Information said that oil mixture this is the way to take a greater advantage. The other party stated that Sarir oil amounted to very little, and only owned by one or two companies only so that the oil is used as a tool to be able to win the tender because it has no rival in the tender.

Nowadays MT Tataki had seen anchored at Balikpapan and waiting to be dismantled. Reportedly the interested parties are negotiating about the additional fee to be paid by Glencore so that the cargo can be accepted by Pertamina.(Musdi Anto)

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Editor: Andy Abdul Hamid