Jakarta, Aktual.com – Jokowi’s volunteer group agreed that the future leadership of the city must figure that emphasizes humanistic dialogue to resolve any issues that exist in the capital.

As stated by the Chairman of the Motion Indonesia, Emi Sulyuwati, in a written statement received on Thursday (23/6).

“We want an alternative leader who is able to promote dialogue humanistic, resolve the existing problems in Jakarta are polite and principled humanitarian, and not using repressive ways and emotionally,” says Emi Sulyuwati in the moment of breaking the fast together with 23 voluntary organizations of Jokowi in Cikini, Central Jakarta, yesterday.

Therefore, ‘Indonesia Movement’ will encourage Tri Rismaharini to be carried in Jakarta Gubernatorial Election, 2017, to have the best leader for the citizens of Jakarta.

“Jakarta needs a leader who has the character like Jokowi is able to promote dialogue, willing to listen to the people, polite, do not like eviction and often go to mass to the base of the people,” said women’s activist who helped lead the student movement of the Reformation 98’s.

“We will bring future leaders to the expectations of the people of Jakarta and consult together to President Jokowi,” he added.

From the 23 organizations that attended the Iftar, 17 groups had a relatively similar, namely Jakarta need an alternative leader.

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