Jakarta, Aktual.com – State Own Enterprises Minister Rini Soemarno insisted continues fast train projects Jakarta-Bandung. Though many problem of unresolved issues, including the quality of train may like the quality of the junk.

According to economists from the University of Padjadjaran (Unpad), Arie Pratama, on Monday (29/2), it is becoming one of the three issues that need to be highlighted in this fast train project.

With the quality of the train is low, makes the security and safety of passengers is at stake. “threrefore feasibility of the fast train project should be reviewed from various aspects. One of these operational aspects, so that the security and comfort of passengers is a priority,” he told Aktual.com.

Because, with the imposition of this project, makes less certain technology quality fleet of this fast train. So that the safety and security of passengers is so dormant.

“Moreover, this Chinese-made products is low secure than made in Japan or Europe. Maybe quality is sober too. Whether this has been a concern of the Minister of SOE?” Said Arie.

The second aspect related to finance. With the cooperation through the Build Operate Transfer (BOT), it is necessary to develop a formula that is beneficial for the government and investors. Do not just benefit the Chinese investors only.

Especially for this project, the state bank syndicated loan is extraordinary magnitude. “Do not let this project then failed and caused huge losses of state companies,” he stated.

The third aspect, this fast train projects into parasitic port shuttle service of transportation. Because they can be reduced income transport port shuttle service that already exist.

During this time, port shuttle service of transport such as vehicles travels, Argo Parahyangan train, or buses already serving the Jakarta-Bandung.

Even fast trains will later be expensive price, but will continue to erode revenues port shuttle service of transport that already exist.

“So although it is still far away, but I think the government needs to anticipate that this policy isnot like a parasite,” Arie criticism.

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