Pengelolaan Blok Mahakam, Kalimantan Timur (Aktual/Ilst.Nelson)

Jakarta, – President Director of PT Pertamina (Persero), Soetjipto confirms that PT Pertamina is ready to take over the management of the Mahakam block with the end of the contract period the Indonesian government with Total E & F on 31 Desember 2017, it was conveyed in a meeting between Commission VII of the House of Representatives with Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM).

Dwi argued that he has formed several teams aiming to prepare the transition of the business.

“Currently there are some teams that we form,” he said in the House of Representatives Commission VII, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday (12/4).

He continued, the first team named management team preparation Mahakam (TPPM) comprising the composition of Pertamina, SKK Oil and Gas, and Total E & F, the team itself is chaired by Boyke Pardede.

“Chairman of team Boyke Pardede, he previously General Manager at UMO, once in total as well, so he did recognize and understand the matter Mahakam,” said Dwi.

Then the next team was named team of over side comity aimed at monitoring the performance TPPM in preparing everything transition process. While in the Internal Pertamina itself, Dwi admitted also has formed a team.

At the same time, the Director General of Oil and Gas, I Gusti Nyoman Wiratmadja complement the statement of Dwi earlier that the team leader over the Upper Dir side comity is the Director General of Oil and Gas,namely Mr. Joko.

“The government set the over side comity team containing senior and experienced people, the chairman is Mr. Joko, members of Mr. Suharmoko and there is Mr. Muin that is very pensionary experienced of SKK, and Mr. Anang Bahtiar chairman who is the Chairman of the National Commission for Exploration,” said Wirat.

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