Jakarta, Aktual.com – Gas Engine Power Plant (PLTMG) Bangkanai is succes come into the electrical system Muereh Teweh (Isolated Area) of 7.7 megawatt (MW).

“Power plants located in isolated areas, in the Village Karendan, Laheu subistrict, North Barito district, Central Kalimantan is very important presence in an effort to meet the need for electricity and improve the stability of power supply in South Kalimantan and Central Kalimantan,” said Senior Manager Public Relations PLN, Agung Murdifi in the information received in Jakarta, Tuesday (9/2).

PLTMG Bangkanai using machines from Finland which was built since the end of 2013. The overall PLTMG has an installed power capacity of 155 MW, for the first phase PLTMG Bangkanai limited supply power for Teweh Muara Electrical Systems (Isolated System) amounted to 7.7 MW.

Related machine capabilities and alignment with the systems. General Manager South Kalimantan and Central Kalimantan, Purnomo revealing a series of tests on the engine and the system is done on Saturday, 6 of February, include making machine loading test to see if the existing system can withstand sudden loss of load and return to normal operating conditions.

The next step will be carried out a series of tests the endurance test and the reliability of the machine, for 72 hours.

Purnomo explained that PLN is also hoped that the process of four tower transmission land acquisition with 150 kV Transmission Tower Tread important supporting PLTMG Bangkanai can be immediately resolved.

“We are expecting the support of residents, community leaders and local government in the completion of the land acquisition for the realization of four tower transmission, it is important to distribute the power supply from PLTMG Bangkanai in order to get into the electrical system South Kalimantan and Central Kalimantan,” said Purnomo.

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