Jakarta, Aktual.com – In view from the principle of utility and necessity, an ambitious project fast train whish was cultivated Jakarta-Bandung Indonesia PT Fast Trains China (KCIC) does not satisfy of both.

According to economist of Indef, Ahmad Hari Firdaus, if the Minister of SOE, Rini Soemarno want to build national infrastructure, must glance at conditions of outside Java. There, more need than prestigious projects than the fast train.

“Why must fast train project. What are the benefits? It is not urgent too, is it? The project does not make sense,” said Heri when contacted Aktual.com, Thursday (4/2).

He continued, if Rini stay want to build a fast train project, the distance from Jakarta-Surabaya more reasonable, than to insist on building for the Jakarta-Bandung.

“It is Too short a Jakarta-Bandung for measure fast train. this project is not urgent,” said Heri.

even, he suggested, if Rini really care with infrastructure development, better to ordered state-owned enterprises to focus work on infrastructure projects outside Java.

“The development of infrastructure in the Outside java more important. This is decrease inequality in Java and outside Java, “he said.

Based on the data in 2014, for the distribution of the national infrastructure, the size of Java that only 7.2 percent of the Indonesian territory, but occupied 58.6 percent of the national population. The condition of the infrastructure, irrigation 65.1 per cent, 27.3 per cent of the road, and 58.4 percent water.

Very lame with outside Java. On the island of Borneo for example, with an area of ​​32.3 percent, occupied only 5.6 percent of the national population, and the condition of the infrastructure, irrigation is only 4.4 percent, the 14.9 percent and 5.8 percent of water.

Papua and Maluku, cover 25 percent of the total area, but only 2 percent of the population. With the condition of irrigation 0.2 percent, the 4.5 percent and 1.5 percent of drinking water only.

Touched fast train project is more expensive than similar projects in Iran, he did not dare to make sure, because it is not pocketed data. “But maybe more expensive. I just do not dare to make sure,” he concluded.

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