Menteri BUMN Rini Soemarno (kiri) berbincang dengan Menteri ESDM Sudirman Said (kanan) sebelum mengikuti sidang kabinet paripurna di Istana Kepresidenan, Bogor, Jawa Barat, Senin (23/11). Presiden Joko Widodo meminta seluruh menterinya merencanakan program kerja 2016 dengan baik dan matang serta belajar dari pelaksanaan program 2014-2015 sehingga tidak ada lagi regulasi dan kebijakan yang bertabrakan dengan kementerian/lembaga lainnya atau menjadi polemik di masyarakat dan sesuai dengan Nawacita. ANTARA FOTO/Widodo S. Jusuf/aww/15.

Jakarta, – Aufkalrung Executive Director of the Institute, Dahroni Agung Prasetyo, was surprised by President Joko Widodo. There are some asistants in the Cabinet Working almost two years to work not in accordance with the spirit of Nawa Cita, but does not go reshuffle.

The asistant of cabinet is Minister for State Owned Enterprises (SOE) Rini Soemarno and Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Sudirman Said. Two ministers were judged not to have the spirit of nationalism.

SOE Minister Rini Soemarno, he said, in carrying out the mandate given by the President has been often issued a policy that is not pro underprivileged. Though great vision and mission of Jokowi government is very clear, in Nawa Cita span the ‘hierarchy that puts sovereignty in various fields.

Rini‘s policy, besides not being concerned with nationalism, also makes the situation in the cabinet became rowdy. Fast train projects Jakarta – Bandung became one of the policies in question.

“The project (fast train) is enforced and would potentially harm the country,” said Dahroni, Thursday (31/3).

While Minister Sudirman Said, seen from the case of Freeport and management Masela which proves that the person concerned does not understand Nawa Cita. Its means, Sudirman Said it would stab great Jokowi’s program.

“Sudirman was assistant of the president or Inpex spokesman or Shell? It must be immediately replaced. The two most worthy ministers is fired by Jokowi,” said Dahroni.

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