Holding Energi PGN-Pertamina
Holding Energi PGN-Pertamina

Jakarta, Aktual.com – Desire of Minister of State, Rini Soemarno to form state-owned (SOEs) holding by the annexation of PT PGN (Persero) Tbk into PT Pertamina rated haste policy.

Member of Parliament Committee on SOEs, Siti Mukaromah assess the role PGN greatly affect the public at large on gas consumption, so the action business should be cautious as a result of failure sparked public outrage if the demand for public disorder.

“The establishment of this ‘holding’ Pertamina-PGN have a major impact on the economy and the lives of many people, so the government must study it comprehensively and carefully, and consult with the Parliament,” he said in Jakarta, Monday (29/8).

Then based on its records, there are at least three things to be a question as parliament mandated by the people to exercise supervision over government policy.

The first concerns the 43 percent public shares that were in the company PGN, he does not want any abuse of authority by a government that ignores the shares owned by the public.

Then, further PKB politicians, until now, there is no road map (road map) governance of oil and gas, so it is not seen holding Pertamina-PGN whether it was needed or not.

Then, in terms of legal protection, according to Siti, at this time, the bill SOE as a revision of Law No. 19 of 2003 is still under discussion in the House of Representatives Commission VI. That is, the rules relating to the parent company SOE no legal protection.

Even if the holding was based on Law 19/2003, he added, the formation of a holding would stumble a few issues such as the status of PGN to be turned into a non-SOE companies.

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