Kedatangan Ketua BPK RI Harry Azhar Azis memenuhi undangan Direktorat Jenderal Pajak untuk melakukan klarifikasi pajak atas Surat Pemberitahuan (SPT) Pajak Penghasilan tahun pajak 2015.

Jakarta, – Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) will not repeat audit investigation to ascertain the results of an audit investigation on land Sumber Waras Hospital purchased by the city government at the end of 2014.

“BPK does not have to follow up. I emphasize the results of the audit investigation is final and binding,” said Chairman of BPK RI Harry Azhar Aziz, at the BPK Building, Jakarta, Monday (20/6).

He also confirmed that his party audits carried out by facts on the ground instead of political interests. So, if the BPK is not acted upon by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) is considered unconstitutional.

“In Act if what the BPK is not actionable means violating the constitution,” said Harry.

Because, as long as the Commission did not follow up on it, the BPK still will assess corruption in the purchase of the hospital.

“I say, five years, ten years, remained throughout the country are not fixed losses remain,” he explained.

Previously, KPK did not find against the law in cases of alleged corruption Sumber Waras Hospital land purchases made by the city government during a meeting of the Commission III.

“So our investigators did not find an act against the law,” said Chairman of KPK Agus Rahardjo at the Parliament Building, Jakarta, Tuesday (14/6).

BPK of Jakarta previously said the land purchase Source Sane cost the state up to Rp191 billion. But in its development, there are changes in the value of losses after an audit investigation held by the BPK which amounted to Rp173 billion.

Losses occur because differences taxable value of land (NJOP). BPK assess NJOP in Tomang Utara Street, Jakarta Provincial Government while rate at Kyai Tapa Street.

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