Jakarta, Aktual.com – Advisory bodies, Development and Preservation of Marriage (BP4) stated that the development issue of LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) today is already very alarming and worrying to the religious, moral and social frame of the nation Indonesia in the future.

The actors and supporters of LGBT is open increasingly to show his identity in the public and ask recognition on the basis of Human Rights (HAM), said Wahyu, Chairman of the Central BP4 in a statement in Jakarta, Tuesday (9/2).

Accompanied Najib, Secretary General BP4 Anwar, he said that the LGBT group is now very intensive use of media information, including social media, giving a negative effect on the mental and moral generation of people.

He asserted, LGBT in principle contrary to religious values, personality and culture of Indonesia religious. LGBT is not exactly regarded as the Human Rights and LGBT phenomenon is not natural, but a disorder and social problems need to be good treated and comprehensively.

Prevention and control of LGBT is same urgency to tackling drugs, promiscuity or radicalism. LGBT, he said, has overturned the norm, and moral religious values ​​in society.

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