Seorang pedagang memotong daging sapi yang dijual di Pasar Senen, Jakarta, Selasa (29/12). Pemerintah menetapkan kuota impor sapi bakalan sebanyak 600.000 ekor pada 2016 guna memenuhi kebutuhan daging dalam negeri. ANTARA FOTO/Wahyu Putro A/aww/15.

Mesuji, – Celebrating the feast of sacrifice, the price of beef in Mesuji, Lampung jumped from Rp140,000 to Rp100,000 per kilogram, after rising demand from the local community.

“Usually, each face of religious holidays, including Eid al-Adha, the price of meat in Mesuji certainly rise due to increased demand from the public than usual. As it is now, up to Rp40,000 per kg from Rp100,000 per kg become Rp140,000,” said Bibah (47), meat traders in Pasar Simpang Pematang, Mesuji District, Sunday (11/9).

Meat prices rose a day before Eid al-Adha, with a stock of goods at local merchants, thus resulting consumer demand can be met.

“If it’s in the meat stock traders quite a lot, but the price has gone up.”

According to him, raising the price of meat is not due to the thin stock and high demand from consumers. However, the valorization of the result of the purchase price of cattle ahead of the Eid al-Adha wholesalers also increased than usual.

Moreover, the majority of beef cattle in Mesuji supplied from Bandarlampung, so the price after arriving in this area to be expensive. These factors cause the price of meat in Mesuji had never dropped out of the range of Rp 100,000 per kilogram.

According to Yulianti 30 years, traders other meat, mostly beef cattle to meet the needs of meat for people in Mesuji supplied from Bandarlampung, given the stock of beef cattle in Mesuji limited.

Similarly, the chicken pieces are also supplied from Bandarlampung for broiler production in this area very little, so it can not cope with the needs of society Mesuji.
Prices of chicken rose from Rp28,000 to Rp32,000 per kilogram.

But according to the butcher’s, usually after Eid al-Adha price of beef and chicken in Mesuji will return to normal as usual because the demand for both will be back in the stable.

In addition to beef and poultry, the price of other essential items, such as cooking oil, rice, sugar, flour, and other consumer goods are relatively stable. The stock of essential goods at the merchant level overflowing due to the supply of wholesalers until now running smoothly.

Traders said despite the high demand ahead of Eid al-Adha, in Mesuji food prices generally remained stable although there were increased slightly.


*Musdi Anto

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