Jakarta, Aktual.com – Along with the passing of the Prevention and Crisis Management Financial System (PPKSK), then the mechanism in handling crises caused by systemic banks that failed is no longer with the disbursement from the outside or through the bail-out mechanism. But the move is done is through the mechanism of inside or bail-ins.
To that end, according to the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of the Financial Services Authority (FSA), Muliaman Hadad, the systemic banks should not longer think that there are problems to be rescued by the authorities, it should be able to save themselves.
“Do not as if to think, be a systemic bank it wouldnot be safe. As though if there is a crisis or problem will be directly saved. It was thought heretical,” Hadad recalled at the seminar ‘Challenges PPKSK Application of Law in the Financial Industry’ Warta Ekonomi held in Jakarta, Wednesday (18/5).
Hence, the bail-in mechanisms that all owners of banks must be directly involved in the treatment. “During the bail-out mechanism actually have made their major fiscal risks. So any best practice has led to the bail-in,” he explained.
For that, he said, in this law ordered the owners of the bank, especially systemic banks should make a will that is planned. Thus, with the will, there will be measures and systematic stages to rescue troubled banks.
The reason, according to him, these laws not only should be known to the public, but also should be known by the owner of the bank or the bank commissioner. For the owner of the bank’s responsibility, if not running a good job, there is criminal charges against the person.
“That’s why wills was so important. And it will be drawn up by the bank’s owners, commissioners or directors of the bank makes. Indeed, his guideline that still we put together,” he asserted.
Indeed today, still a lot of homework on the FSA in order to draw up the rules derived from this Act. “Able to create new rules or with adjustment of existing rules. One of the rules about the will,” said Muliaman Hadad.
Conditions such as these, further Muliaman Hadad, the handling of inside it had been prepared in countries like the United States or in the European Union. “Because the US is also the same spirit, the bank may not use public money to resolve a crisis,” he stated.
Currently, the US has been reviewing banks systemically through the recovery plan review, so that the plan can be accepted by all the bankers there. Similar steps are also carried out in the European Union began to square off for the treatment of systemic banks.
“So, where local authorities are already preparing steps in anticipation or handling it,” he added.
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