Jakarta, Aktual.com – Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) will change the use of the funding of the Government (PMP) for enterprises PT Jakarta Propertindo (Jakpro).

From before for the athletes village project, become the construction of means of transport Light Rail Transit (LRT).

“At first, indeed PMP to Jakpro will be used for the construction of the athletes village. However, this time we change the use of funds PMP become LRT construction,” he said at City Hall, Tuesday (7/6).

According to him, there don’t need change in the Regional Regulation (Perda) to change it, just through the Governor Regulation (gubernatorial) as a legal protection. He also said the City Council will be asked for permission in order do not broke to violate the rules. Moreover, the construction of the LRT is accelerated to the implementation of the 2018 Asian Games.

“Besides, the central government has decided to take over the construction of the athletes village. So, I think the city government should focus on the construction of the LRT alone,” he said.

For groundbreaking LRT plan is done later on June 22, on the anniversary of Jakarta.

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