Menlu Retno LP Marsudi (kanan) berjabat tangan dengan Menlu Tajikistan Sirojidin Aslov (kiri) sebelum melakukan pertemuan bilateral disela Sidang Dewan Menteri Luar Negeri negara-negara OKI di JCC, Jakarta, Minggu (6/3). Pertemuan itu bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kerja sama kedua negara. ANTARA FOTO/OIC-ES2016/Akbar Nugroho Gumay/pras/par/16.

Jakarta, – Minister of Foreign Affairs, Retno Marsudi stated not found Indonesian who became victims of the blast in the city of Davao on Mindanao island, southern Philippines, Friday (2/9).

“Since the explosion on Friday, we continue contact with the Consulate General in Davao. Fellow (Consulate) check at three hospitals Davao City. so far, not found the victims were Indonesian, “said Retno in Hangzhou, Sunday (4/9).

The third hospital in check is Philippines Hospital Medical Centre, Hospital San Pedro and Davao Doctors Hospital.

In previous reports, at least 10 people were killed and 60 others injured after a bomb exploded in a busy market in the city of Davao on Mindanao island, southern Philippines.

The explosion happened when the President of the Philippines Rodrigo Duterte was in Davao.

Davao city spokesman, Catherine dela Rey said not yet known what explosion’s caused .

“There was a blast but what caused is still under investigation,” said dela Rey.


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Editor: Andy Abdul Hamid