Jakarta, Aktual.com – Coordinating Minister for maritime and Resources, Rizal Ramli called the potential of the national fisheries was stolen by neighboring country is still large.

Even because of so many of the theft, makes these neighboring countries today his position became the second largest fish exporter in the world beyond the position of Indonesia in the 15th position.

“It’s so funny and absurd, Neighboring beaches are not too long but can be the second largest fish exporter in the world. That’s because they steal fish from us,” blasted Rizal during the hearing with the Budget Agency (Banggar) House of Representatives at the Parliament Building, Jakarta, Monday (13/6).

Unreasonable conditions should be corrected immediately. In addition to continuously anticipate the theft of fish, also by turning the fish industry in the country.

“Of course we should that become the largest exporter in the world as a maritime state, even the first. But the neighboring countries which even became the number two exporter,” he complained.

So step forward, the Ministry for maritime fishing industry needs to build better. “If the fishing industry is excited, then the investment in the sector will also be strengthened. So that in the future, about 15 years from now we will be the best,” said Rizal.

Rizal himself admits, it was all indeed be the work of the government to revive the fishing industry. “So we make the deregulation policy through the policy package,” said Rizal.

Furthermore, he also emphasized that government support measures related to the international community that would regulate related fish imported it be known where it came from.

“This is important, and can be set in the United Nations that there is no country can claim fish theft,” said Rizal.

According to him, for the types of tuna fish for Indonesia is the second largest exporting country in the world.” Though we may be the largest in the world,” he added.

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