Jakarta, Aktual.com – Dozens of people packed the courtroom Bukit Duri Candra 1, the District Court of Central Jakarta, at Bungur Besar Street, Kemayoran, Central Jakarta, Tuesday (7/6).
They sued the Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) and their staffs on the Ciliwung River normalization plan.
“Ministry PUPR, BWSCCC, the administration and the officers under him,” said Attorney Bukit Duri, Vera Spemarwi, in Central Jakarta, Tuesday (7/6).
The trial is the first trial of the registered citizens on May 10, 2016, for the losses suffered by residents of the Ciliwung river normalization program.
“Land residents have taken to the road inspection without compensation, the house was destroyed and do not receive compensation, and not all of the residents moved to the towers provided,” adding Vera.
The trial is scheduled at 10:00 am It was delayed for two hours. Session agenda file submission by the claimant is still running, though not attended by any defendant.
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