Jakarta, Aktual.com – thousands of workers who are members of the honorary workers rally in front of the State Palace. During the action they demand to the government immediately raised them to Civil Servants (PNS).

The rally will be conducted at four separate points namely, the Presidential Palace, the Parliament Office, the Office minister RB and City Hall Jakarta on Wednesday (10/2).

In the rally, the masses shout the name of the Minister Pan RB , Yudi Krisnandi to immediately keep his promise to raise the temporary teacher who has served many years into the Civil servants.

By the action of the demonstration, Medan Merdeka Utara street temporarily closed. Becouse of that, there is congestion in Medan Merdeka Timur street until to Harmoni street.

Based on the observation Aktual.com, thousands of Polda Metro Jaya police officers secure the middle of the rally. The mass circled barbed wire so that is not closer to the Palace.

The rally will be conducted at four separate points namely, the Presidential Palace, the Parliament Office, the Office minister RB and City Hall Jakarta on Wednesday (10/2).

In the rally, the masses shout the name of the Minister Pan RB , Yudi Krisnandi to immediately keep his promise to raise the temporary teacher who has served many years into the Civil servants.

By the action of the demonstration, Medan Merdeka Utara street temporarily closed. Becouse of that, there is congestion in Medan Merdeka Timur street until to Harmoni street.

Based on the observation Aktual.com, thousands of Polda Metro Jaya police officers secure the middle of the rally. The mass circled barbed wire so that is not closer to the Palace.

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