Petugas Polres Lhokseumawe memusnahkan tanaman ganja di ladang seluas 13 hektar dengan dibakar di Desa Teupin Rusep, Kecamatan Sawang, Aceh Utara, Aceh, Jumat (1/4). Operasi Berantas Sindikat Narkoba (Bersinar) Rencong Bandar 2016 yang digelar di pedalaman Aceh Utara dan perbukitan Lamteuba Seulawah Aceh Besar itu untuk menekan peredaran narkotika di wilayah Aceh. ANTARA FOTO/Rahmad/Spt/16

Tapak Tuan, – A joint team of government officials find marijuana fields ready to harvest two hectares in area of Mount village of Panton Bili, District Pasie Raja, South Aceh, Monday (22/8).

Wakapolres South Aceh, Commissioner Sabri in Tapak Tuan, Tuesday (23/8) said the discovery of the cannabis farm is the development of the information society who feel disturbed by the presence of illicit goods.

“After receiving the information a joint team under the coordination of the National Narcotics Agency District (BNNK) South Aceh immediately move to a location that is about five kilometers or two hours’ drive from the settlement of locals,” he said.

In the combined team, participated Vice Regent South Aceh Kamarsyah, then BNNK officers, soldiers and police personnel under the leadership of South Aceh Wakapolres, Commissioner Sabri. He said the presence of marijuana fields in mountain village of Panton Bili is very disturbing people around. Because of the existence of illicit goods could damage the mental and character of the young generation of the nation’s future.

“To deceive the clerk, the owner of illicit goods to plant marijuana on the sidelines of patchouli and chili,” said Sabri.

He said the results of operations launched by the officers managed to find more or less as many as 1,110 marijuana plants stems aged about two to five months. Height of the plant varies between approximately 30 centimeters to 2.5 meters (already ready for harvest).

“Of that amount, a total of 55 rods taken down for safekeeping in South Aceh Police Headquarters by the Satres drugs as evidence (BB), while the rest were either wholly destroyed on site by burning,” said Sabri.

However, he added, in an operation that was held suddenly and progress very quickly, the officers did not managed to subdue their owners. When officers arrived to the location of the land in an empty condition in living their owners.

“It has become a habit that every officer came to the site owners are not in place, it is suspected had been watched and monitored from the outset by the owner,” he said.

Vice Regent South Aceh, Kamarsyah expect the local community to immediately stop the habit of growing marijuana. Because it apart from violating the law can also damage the mental and morals of the young generation of nation.

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