Sejumlah petani memanen padi hibrida HIPA 18 di lahan demonstasi plot (demplot) Desa Mrenek, Maos, Cilacap, Jateng, Sabtu (12/3). Hasil panen padi hibrida HIPA 18 yang dikembangkan Balai Besar Penelitian Tanaman Padi bersama PT. Petrokimia Gresik mencapai 10,2 ton per hektar, dan mempunyai ketahanan terhadap penyakit blas dan hama wereng. ANTARA FOTO/Idhad Zakaria/nz/16

Jakarta, – Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) recorded in general wage increase of workers in April. Deputy Distribution Statistics and Jada, Sasmito Hadi Wibowo told to hurry up agricultural wages will increase 0.36 or Rp47.731 per day compared to the previous month amounted to only Rp47.559.

While real wages as a reference purchasing power due to inflation have increased by 0.87 percent, or from only Rp37.236 to Rp37.559 per day. “Wages national farmers rushed in April 2016 rose 0.36 percent,” said Hadi Wibowo Sasmito at his office in Jakarta on Monday (16/5).

While the urban informal wage for building workers at the same time also increased by 0.09 per cent on the amount of Rp81.481 Rp81.554 per day, with real wages rising 0.54 percent from Rp65.843 become Rp66.202 per day, Then to inflame woman haircut has increased from 0.70 percent of the price of Rp24.369 become Rp24.200.

With real rates of 1.16 percent, from Rp19,556 be Rp19.782 Lastly, Sasmito convey, to wage a housekeeper also increased by 0.24 percent, from Rp361.029 become Rp360.164. For the real wage increased by 0.70 percent from Rp293.067 becoming Rp291.042 per month.

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