Ribuan Nelayan dari berbagai wilayah melakukan aksi dan penyegelan pulau "G" sebagai simbol penolakan reklamasi teluk Jakarta di proyek reklamasi pulau "G", Jakarta, Minggu (17/4/2016). Dalam aksinya mereka menuntut agar seluruh proyek reklamasi di teluk Jakarta dihentikan dan Keppres No. 52 Tahun 1995 dan Perpres 54 Tahun 2008 yang melegitimasi proyek reklamasi dicabut.

Jakarta, Aktual.com- Former Deputy Assistant VI of Increased Role of Civil Society Ministry of Environment (KLH), Dodo Sambodo, question the purpose Provincial Government (Provincial) Jakarta to build 17 counterfeit island in the coastal capital.

“What is the goal that was said in the Presidential Decree 52/1995, the general reclamation objectives are still the same as now?” He said during a discussion at WALHI, Mampang, South Jakarta, Wednesday (22/6).

When he was still active in KLH approximately the 2000s, said Dodo, the construction of an artificial island for the purpose of revitalizing the Bay of Jakarta. At that time, the discourse is only the construction of dikes along the shoreline or now called Integrated Development of Coastal Capital of State (National Capital Integrated Coastal Development / NCICD) A.

“Experience, why then there was 17 (island) and there is (giant or a giant seal embankment wall / GSW). Is this still in Presidential Degree of Mr. Harto? If the decree, certainly was not,” he said.

“It’s been modified. This (NCICD A) Any time that we rejected. Thus, the study of Amdal (environmental impact assessments) declined 10 professors,” said Dodo.

Ten professor who became a member of the commission refuses Amdal trial embankment construction, because the project will clog the flow of water of 13 major rivers in the capital.

WALHI exactivists have also pointed out the negative impact of the reclamation Pantai Indah Kapuk (PIK), where he was stuck in traffic on the highway Soekarno-Hatta during the day. “That’s three weeks of water can not be there (the sea),” he said.

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