Wakil Ketua DPR Fahri Hamzah tidak terima dipecat dari Partai Keadilan Sejahtera saat memberikan keterangan pers di Kompleks Parlemen Senayan, Jakarta, Senin (4/4). Fahri merasa tidak mempunyai kesalahan yang membuatnya harus dipecat dari partai, jika yang dipermasalahkan adalah sikap dan gaya bicaranya, maka itu tidak bisa dijadikan alasan ujarnya. FOTO: AKTUAL/JUNAIDI MAHBUB

Jakarta, Aktual.com – President Joko Widodo issuing a presidential decree No. 8 of 2016 on budget savings ministries and institutions.

There are 87 ministries and institutions listed in the Instruction the date of August 26, 2016. But the three institutions in Parliament that the House of Representatives (DPR), People’s Consultative Assembly (MPR) and the Regional Representative Council (DPD) was not asked to save its budget.

In response, the Deputy Speaker of the House Fahri Hamzah assess President Jokowi not allowed to make budget cuts through presidential Instruction.

“It was wrong, President will be sued. The budget cuts should be with APBNP phase 2,” said Fahri at the Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday (6/9).

The House of Representatives also must not approve the budget if the legislature does not cut it. “Do not agree. no, it may not,” he said.

According to him, the budget cuts is the right of Parliament with the power of legislatures. In fact, the Budget Law made by Law anyway. So, not allowed to manage their finances using the instruments under the Act.

“Because it can be sued, that’s the danger,” said this PKS politician.
Alluding Instruction already issued though not allowed, Fahri explains it will be vulnerable to lawsuits and create legal uncertainty.

“I wonder why the president likes to take decisions in violation of the law. It’s baseball allowed. the countries are through the state budget and the state budget should be through law instruments baseball precedent,” said Fahri.

Fahri added in the history of RI PI cutting budgets is not without precedent. Therefore, if the money or the budget set by the PI it will be difficult to account for them.

“I disappoint the President’s decision. Set budget use PI. It is a danger. It’s a bad precedent for us,” he concluded.

Based Instruction of Setkab.go.id, the House’s budget in the State Budget of 2016 reached 4.7 trillion. Budget to Parliament is changed only given a dash in column budget savings. Likewise, the budget for the Assembly of 768 billion and Regional Representative Board 801 billion.

As for the ministry who asked not to save the budget is only the Ministry of Women Empowerment and Child Protection 707 billion.

Beyond that, as many as 83 ministries or other institutions experienced prompted to save the budget. The total budget savings reached Rp64 trillion.


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Editor: Arbie Marwan