Jakarta, Aktual.com – Four death row inmates executed in Shooting Single Panaluan, Nusakambangan island, Cilacap, on Friday at around 0:46 pm. All four namely Freddy Budiman (citizen), Osmani Seck (Senegal), Humphrey Eijeke (Nigeria) and Michael Titus (Nigeria).

Deputy Attorney General for General Crimes (JAM Pidum), Noor Rachmad said Freddy’s body will then be taken to Surabaya. “Humphrey was cremated in Banyumas, while the other two returned to his country in Nigeria. While the rest waiting for further news,” he said, in Cilacap, Friday (29/7).

Regarding the fate of other death row inmates, he claimed not to know whether seek a pardon or not. “While these first four were executed. There are many considerations that must be taken,” said Noor.

One consideration that is, the act includes massively in passing the drug. “Keep in mind Seck Osmani No other supplier to dealers, Michael, too, Doctor (Humphrey) also devious way eating stalls camouflage, that’s my reason. From the legal review them twice PK and everything was on the decline,” said Noor.

While Freddy Budiman, he said, everyone knows how his behavior was in drug trafficking. “Everyone knows how drug trafficking has been concerned decided the death penalty,” he said.
He continued, “The decision of cassation (Freddy) was also sentenced to death. In question never asked for clemency to the President, because his rights had fallen due to the passing of time. And while in prison he is still controlling drug trafficking.”

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